Kardenakhi wine factory represent the unique type of cellar, built at the end of XIX c. It is unique because of unprecedented amount of qvevris( clay vessel) . ( 700 qvevris keep 1000 Ton grapes) Brief History of the wine factory.
The factory was built in XIX century by local feudal Kote Afkhazi. The factory produced 50 tons of wine, from Khatsiteli and Saperavi grapes. After a while, the factory was owned by a prominent Russian feudal, Count Sherementiev who hired a person called Averkin as a manager.
The scales of the factory increased and Averkin started to rent vineyards from local peasants, living in the definite micro zones. Except of various interesting facts, there is a book written by French Baron Debaue, where his voyage in Georgia is described. Debaue was a close friend of Court Sherenemtiev and guested him in Kardenakhi.
The book presents description of definite facts and photos of our Cellar, taken by Debaue. “ Court Sherementiev was honored to host The emperor Alexander III, his wife and heir Nicholas ( meaning the future emperor Nicholas II) in the cellar of wine factory. A lot is said by this brief history of our cellar. We won’t bother you by retelling other facts.
The territory of the cellar and other buildings, are spread on 4 H., it’s fenced and secured. There is one building which is called “ sadzvele” –meaning a place where wine aging process takes place. The building consists of three chain spaces which is 31m long and 5m wide. The building for qvevris (clay vessels) belongs to XX c. and the similar type of the other building - to XX c. The other building needs to be reconstructed for being used for particular means. The whole territory is ready for harvesting grapes. Also , there are some fruit trees among which are the 20 century old olive trees . Produced : Kardenakhi wine factory is equipped with Italian brand appliances and attributes , needed for cellars. Except great amount of qvevris ( clay vessels), there are cisterns of 435 t capacity. You can see some photos ,taken by Debaue in XIX c and for comparison the photos taken in XXI century
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+995 599552929 Nikoloz Kizikurashvili